1 min readApr 30, 2020
Williamsburg huh? I was the blacksmith at Old Bethpage. Here’s some of the insanity from there, if you’re up to it: https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/a-blacksmiths-weirdest-questions-81ca3b421116
Williamsburg huh? I was the blacksmith at Old Bethpage. Here’s some of the insanity from there, if you’re up to it: https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/a-blacksmiths-weirdest-questions-81ca3b421116
Author, Board Gamer/Designer. Paul D’s Tainted Dragon Inn on FB for geeky stuff. Represented by B Swanson The Purcell Agency. Riftsiders. www.PaulADestefano.com